The Parkinson's Painter Website

Discover the inspiring artwork of Norman Greenstein, an artist whose passion for painting was rekindled after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Explore his work and experience creativity beyond limitations. Welcome to the Parkinson’s Painter website.

Introducing The Parkinsons Painter

Norman Greenstein, diagnosed with degenerative Parkinson’s disease, turned to painting as a way to cope with his condition and raise awareness for the illness. Despite his worsening symptoms, he continues to create art to support Parkinson’s research.   Through this platform, Norman also speaks to other seniors with Parkinson’s, encouraging them to find relief through artistic expression.  He will be also selling his artwork with some of the proceeds going to Parkinsons charities and for his art supplies.  

More on the Artist Here

Spit On A Convas and Call It Art: The Journey of the Parkinsons Painter

Interested in buying a painting?

10% of the proceeds from all purchased paintings will be donated to a Parkinson’s charity of the artist’s choice.

Send the Artist a email.